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If you use a handgun long enough you may need some repairs. This can be pretty expensive if the gun is out of warranty. Not to worry with Taurus! They have a lifetime warranty on the firearm. This is not a warranty for the original purchaser, but for the firearm, no matter who owns it! If you purchase a used Taurus handgun, you also have the lifetime warranty. Something to consider when purchasing used firearms.

I have a Taurus PT-22. I have had it for around 12-years. This is a sub-compact semi-auto handgun that looks like a miniature PT92. This is a good handgun for concealed carry if you have the permit to do so. I'm sure it was never intended for heavy usage, but I have shot a few thousand rounds through it.
There is a "U" shaped steel strap that connects the front left and right slide. This fits under the barrel. It is a weak point and it did break. No worry! I just sent it to Taurus for a free repair. Now it's like new again.
Taurus and Kel-Tec both offer lifetime warranties. I think Kel-Tec's warranty is for the original purchaser only, but that's still better than most warranties. Something to consider on your next firearm purchase.